Since its inception Hundredfold Farm members have reviewed many types and approaches to housing.

The criteria used in our reviews include:

Affordability – Attractiveness – Ecological footprint – Opportunity for owner finishing – Suitable for solar – Energy efficiency – Quality of construction – Appropriateness in a clustered setting – Suitable for hillside construction – Cohousing-suitable floor plans

The membership determined that the following housing designs best support our goals and vision, as well as being best suited for our site: Two of the cornerstone elements of the Hundredfold vision are Paring, reducing our ecological footprint; and Sharing, reducing our material needs by sharing resources. With these ideas in mind, it was decided that houses at Hundredfold Farm should have no more than 2,000 square feet of floor space.  Most families will find that with an efficient design, 2,000 square feet will more than meet their needs.  Additionally, by keeping our houses smaller, members will be more apt to make use of community resources, pay less for their houses, and have more time for community.
Passive Solar Design with Grid Interactive PV System

  • Solar Domestic Hot Water
  • Earth Berming
  • Radiant Floor Heating
  • High Efficiency Natural Gas Boilers

What is a grid interactive PV system?

Solar electric panels panels are wired to a component cabinet located inside the home. A metal cabinet, about the size of a four-drawer bedroom dresser, contains storage batteries, an inverter that converts the solar panels’ direct current (DC) to household alternating current (AC), and a computer controller that continually monitors energy needs.

The house will also be attached to the local utilities’ electric lines. Throughout the day the computer controller monitors the house’s energy consumption and generation.

If the solar panels are generating more electricity than the home needs, the excess is routed back though the utility distribution lines lowering your energy bill.

When the house doesn’t generate enough electricity, the computer controller pulls electricity from the utility grid to supplement demand.

If there is a blackout, the storage batteries will provide up to three days of backup for critical equipment.

The system is completely automated, and requires little to no oversight.