Why We Founded Hundredfold Farm  

“To live sustainably, preserve a piece of the earth, and have my children experience this lifestyle.  I grew up here in beautiful Adams County and it was the natural thing to return.”  Sandy

“Cohousing was the framework to see how we can use community to maintain open land. It was an alternative model for housing, providing an environmentally friendly and sustainable community.”  Bill

“We did everything we could to use less energy when then-president Jimmy Carter tried to wake up the country to the energy-global warming crisis.Over the years our commitment to sustainability led us to lobbying and civil disobedience. When our daughter and family moved from Seattle, WA,  the plan for a co-housing community came home. We decided to throw caution to the wind and do as much as we could to show how to live self-sufficiently.  Our hope was to influence others to change their way of living on a small planet. Thus began Hundredfold Farm.”  Pat and Lou

Why I Joined Hundredfold Farm  

“I felt like I was coming home.”  Linda

“To live in a community that values the environment and to live in a beautiful landscape.”  Gretchen

“I wanted to live in a rural area, but I did not want to live isolated from others. Hundredfold Farm provides community living in a rural setting.”  Ed

“I was looking for something “more” and something “different.”  I found it at Hundredfold Farm.”  Don

What I Love About Hundredfold Farm  

“I like the possibilities of things that we can accomplish as community that we can’t do individually.” Bill

“The sky, hills, sunrises, sunsets, community dinners, working together on the land.” Gretchen

“The possibilities- chickens, organic vegetables, running a business, and doing it all with my neighbors.” Sandy

“We love the fact that our footprint on the planet is much smaller than it was before, with an easy-to-care-for house using both passive and active solar, recycling of waste and saving a beautiful 80+ acres of land.  Our view is beautiful, and our neighbors are wonderfully helpful.”  Pat and Lou

“With biological family too far away to allow for sharing regular rituals and milestones, the families of Hundredfold Farm are my “extended family” in a real, enduring, and joyful way.”  Carolyn