The members of Hundredfold Farm Cohousing Community have developed the following pathway for those who are interested in joining our community.  Our intent is to help you understand the collaborative nature of our community.  This process allows you to learn about us, for us to learn about you, and for you to share in our activities.

· Come for a visit! – tours are offered on the first Saturday of the month or by appointment (email

· Attend a community meeting, dinner, event, or participate in a work party

If you like what you see:

  • Complete our “Living in Community Questionnaire”

  • Attend a meeting with each committee

  • Request to join our “Friends of HFF” email group

  • Join a committee

  • Come more often and stay over in our free guest accommodations in our common house

  • Choose a mentor from the community to help guide you through the decision-making process

Your mentor can provide you with:

  • The “Living in Community” questionnaires of current members

  • Access to our legal documents (e.g., Joint Venture Agreement, Condominium Agreement)

  • Access to our Rights and Expectations of Membership document and Policy Manual

If you still like what you see and want to join us by buying an existing house, then we welcome you to participate in a Clearness Committee meeting* 

If you like what you see and want to join us by building a new house:

· Attend a meeting with a Clearness Committee*

Communicate your design with the community and the financing plans with the Joint Venture

· Provide a deposit towards the purchase of a lot

In return, we provide the following to buyers and builders:

· Introduction to the builder (if you are building a house)

· All rights, privileges, and obligations as defined by the Condominium Agreement, and/or other legal documentation

· Stakeholder status in all processes and decision-making

· One heck of a welcoming party


* Clearness Committee: Hundredfold Farm has borrowed the concept of “clearness” from the Religious Society of Friends. The term refers to an ad hoc group that is formed to help members and prospective members facing major decisions. The community members, together with the person seeking clearness, choose the committee. In meeting with prospective members, the Clearness Committee seeks to ascertain the person’s knowledge and acceptance of the principles and practices of Hundredfold Farm, and to explain the responsibilities and opportunities inherent in membership. Are we right for each other? Do we all know as much as we can about issues that will affect all of us once this decision is made?

Hundredfold Farm does not use clearness as an exclusionary device (such as condominium members voting to accept or exclude), but as a way to achieve clarity among the existing members and prospective members.