Hundredfold Farm residents take very seriously environmental stewardship. This is evident in our decision to be a showplace of available technologies in water conservation, treatment, recycling and disposal.

Potable water is provided to the homes from two community-owned wells. Any necessary treatment, primarily sediment filtration for example, takes place in our “water shed” near the common house. Our water is sanitized using current ultraviolet technologies. This water is for all uses in the houses, with the exception for toilet flush water and exterior hose bibs.

Wastewater is collected from the homes in individual underground tanks near each home. The waste slurry from these tanks is pumped to a greenhouse near the top of the property.

Within the confines of the greenhouse, the raw sewage from our 14 homes and common house is pumped through a series of gravel beds and above-ground tanks. The beds and tanks contain plant species whose root mass creates a habitat for microbes, bacteria and other sewage-eating organisms. Sewage is broken down naturally as it flows through the beds and tanks, just as it would in nature. Adding additional oxygen flow to the tanks accelerates the process. The goal is to create a series of healthy and diverse ecosystems. After the waste has gone through the series of tanks the result is clear water that meets state standards for reuse. It is then pumped back to the homes for toilet flushing. Excess treated water is disposed of by way of a sub-surface drip system.

Individual home rainwater collection systems, as well as a centralized community laundry, are available as supplementary water conservation measures.