We have been asked at times about whether we have conflict in our community. We always answer, yes! Conflict exists, at times, not only here in our community, but in the larger world in our own marriages, families, friendships, jobs, and within ourselves. How we deal with it, though, is another matter. Do we display passive aggressive tendencies, do we refuse to talk to others, do we isolate ourselves, or do we try to deal with it? Here at Hundredfold Farm we try to address conflict as it arises and then get on with living, working, and eating together. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we need more time, and sometimes we just need to give each other some space. Often we learn much about our own selves in the process. Community living may not always be easy, but oh when it goes well, it’s a feeling like nothing else.

Pets. Aesthetics. Fences. Lighting. Weapons. Noise. This is just a short list of the issues that every community must at some point grapple with and solutions are as variable as the communities themselves. Some issues may be addressed by creating legally binding bylaws and covenants, or simply through gentlepersons’ agreements. Some solutions may evolve over time as situations, and the community, change.

The following committees offer the opportunity for involvement in the Community:  Executive Board, Buildings and Grounds, Community, Finance, Gardening, Outreach, Water and Sewer.