The houses at Hundredfold Farm are clustered to preserve agricultural land, optimize solar access, minimize environmental impacts, and to encourage resident interaction.
The houses, built into the south-facing hillside, provide shelter from northerly winter storms, and maximize views, solar gain and thermal buffering.
Access to the houses consists of the “green road” which has a pervious surface allowing rainwater to be absorbed and providing a pedestrian walkway within the cluster. Emergency vehicles have access to the houses via this pathway.
The three-acre housing cluster is surrounded by 77 acres of open spaces, native woodland, and agricultural land.
Our site plan also features:
- Access for all to a spectacular 180-degree panoramic view of the nearby lowlands
- An organic design that flows with the topography
- Shared community vegetable and flower gardens
- Potential for remodeling of existing outbuildings as meeting space and workshops